
Targets are used to track and visualize KPI performance in more effective way. With targets, you can compare historical performance and measure how successful you are moving to the target value of KPI.
Once you set a target for a KPI, it will be displayed in Reports, Analytics views and Dashboards.
Waytobi allows you to set customized targets for KPIs and adjust them for your personal needs as required.

In this section we will discuss the following:

  1. Default target setup
  2. User targets
  3. Change of targets
  4. Targets for Calculated KPIs

1. Default target setup

Default target can be set at the KPI settings screen. You should choose a default target in the Target field.

2. User targets

The default target will be applied to all users who have the specific KPI assigned. If you wish to set a personal KPI target for a specific user, you should follow these steps:

  1. Click the Users button in the Administrate drop-down menu;

  2. Click user's KPI button under the Assign KPIs column;

  3. Enter target value for this KPI and user;
  4. Click Save targets.

Users will see the change in their personal KPIs on their data entry screens.

Note: You can't set up or change user targets unless KPI is having a default target set.

3. Change of targets

From time to time, you might need to change KPI targets (for example, due to operational changes or seasonal variations). Owners, managers and admins can change users' values over time to reflect the company's current needs.
To change the KPI Target, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Data entry tab;
  2. Click the drop-down menu with user's name in the top left navigation bar and select a user;
  3. Change the target value in a target row.

Note: The target will be changed only for the entry period specified. If you would like to change it permanently, you should go to Administrate / Users - targets screen.

4. Targets for Calculated KPIs

Calculated KPIs can have the targets calculated from the users target or have the default targets.

To set a Calculated KPI target that will be automatically calculated from user targets:

  1. Do not enter a default KPI target in the Target field when adding a KPI;
  2. Click the Advanced Options drop-down list;
  3. Set the Is the target calculated drop-down menu to Yes.

To set a default target for Calculated KPI:

  1. Enter the default target in the Target field when adding a KPI;
  2. Click the Advanced Options drop-down menu;
  3. Set the Is the target calculated? drop-down menu to No.

Note: Same principle apply to Rolling data KPI.

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